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7 Ways to Find Comfort During Chaotic Times

Chaotic times have hit us hard as COVID-19 has been making its presence known here in the United States. Suddenly we are all avoiding an invisible enemy by staying safe inside our homes and avoiding physical contact with others (if we have the ability to do so). It’s quite surreal, and most agree that watching the news makes has been making this whole situation much more unsettling. We cannot control how long these self-isolation days will last, but we do have control over how we spend them. Even amidst new WFH schedules, there is more time to soak up these strange moments and immerse ourselves in ways that improve our well-being and provide a sense of comfort while we remind ourselves this will pass.

7 ways to find comfort during the chaos

1. Develop daily affirmations

The word “affirmation” can be derived from its’ Latin roots to mean “to make steady, strengthen.” Creating and following affirmations can influence our thoughts and have the potential to override any negative self-talk. Especially during chaotic times like these, it is vital to find grounding in truths that resonate with each of us and allow us to manifest ideal outcomes. If you’re having a hard time with current events, you can try repeating this affirmation daily– “I can handle anything that comes my way.”

2. Spa-ify your night-time routine

Or any time of day for that matter! Get those oils diffusing, face masks on deck, and chill your jade roller. Social distancing times means more time to spend on pampering yourself at home. Adding in these soul and skin-nourishing activities are a great way to calm down your nervous system and ease your body for a good night’s rest.

3. Consider journaling as an outlet

Journaling is a wonderful tool for emotional release, and there is no better time than now to get writing. Reflecting on these current times and how you feel during these moments with yourself can spark great insights or provide you time to be with yourself and your emotions. Currently, Morgan Harper Nichols is providing daily journal prompts on her Instagram.

4. Immerse yourself creatively

It seems that we are taking so much new info every day during these strange times through the media and entertainment, it might be time to consider channeling our anxious energy into a creative project. Break out your old art supplies and get crafting with what you have, or take advantage of Amazon Prime delivery (please disinfect all packages first!) and order something new. Some ideas for you include paint-by-number, cross-stitching (I’m currently working on this Golden Girls one), or taking up tie-dying.

5. Yoga cures all

So many yoga and fitness brands and studios are offering free or pay-what-you-can options to practice and find your zen again, be it through pre-recorded subscription services or live-classes. If you’ve never committed to a yoga practice, now is an ideal time to do so and get out all those jitters that come along with in-person classes. No one will care (or know!) if you stumble out of tree pose or lose your fight with gravity during chaturanga. If traditional vinyasa or Hatha classes aren’t speaking to your soul right now, consider a restorative or yin class that slows down the body and the mind. I’m currently loving offerings by and my local studio.

6. Comfort yourself with kitchen creations

While trips to the grocery stores are a new feat in themselves (thank you food delivery services!), coming up with ways to use all your ingredients is its own adventure. Challenge yourself to a “Chopped” style cook-off using the ingredients you have on hand–don’t forget the spices! Another way I’m keeping creative in the kitchen is by using all my organic produce delivered fresh weekly from Misfits Market. I am always surprised to open my box and find out what funny-looking ingredients are inside. If you’re interested in ordering, you can use code “COOKWME-PL2EHM” for 25% off your first box.

7. Make meditation happen

While everyone knows the benefits of daily meditation, sticking to it is typically another story. As of current updates, it seems that this way of living will continue until the end of April, which gives us all a month to commit to daily meditation practice with no excuses for “not having the time.” Lately, I have loved Shine Text. It is an app that curates daily wisdom and meditations to meet your modern mindfulness needs and a community to connect with and share your insights.

If these tips and tools have been helpful for you, stay tuned! I am currently developing a brand new eBook offering with even more psychology and mindfulness-based tools and techniques, along with recipes to improve well-being during challenging times.

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